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Email me with your concerns and questions. Click here.

Q. Do you paint murals on canvas that can be mounted to a wall?

A. Yes, I paint murals on artists cotton canvas that can be shipped rather economically rolled in a mailing tube.  It is your responsibility to hang or mount the mural.  I recommend hiring local wall paperhangers that have experience mounting canvas to walls or ceilings. I also recommend that removable wall paper paste be used.

Q.  Can a large canvas be stretched and shipped?

To save on shipping costs that can be very high, I use GENIE CANVAS, For large paintings that are to be hung.  Genie canvas is a high quality, collapsible canvas system that re-stretches with Velcro fasteners.  Genie canvas take less than 5 minutes to assemble without the use of any tools. 

GENIE CANVAS  sizes available are as follows;

2 x 3 feet (24" x 36") 
2 x 4 feet (24" x 48") 
2 x 5 feet (24" x 60")
2 x 6 feet (24" x 72")
3 x 3 feet (36" x 36") 
3 x 4 feet (36" x 48")
3 x 5 feet (36" x 60")
3 x 6 feet (36" x 72")
              (30" x 40")
4 x 4 feet (48" x 48")
4 x 5 feet (48" x 60")
4 x 6 feet (48" x 72") 
5 x 5 feet (60" x 60")
5 x 6 feet (60" x 72") 
5 x 7 feet (60" x 84")
5 x 8 feet (60" x 96")
Q. Do you work with interior designers or architects?

A. Yes, I often work with interior designers and architects on projects both residential and commercial.  I would be happy to coordinate my design work with your interior designers and/or architects to achieve the look they want in a mural.
Q. Are your murals washable?

A. Yes, both my canvas and hardboard murals are sealed so cleaning can be done with a soft cloth using a light circular motion using a soft cloth slightly damped with warm, soapy water. No hard scrubbing or pressure washing!
Q. I have a limited budget for my mural project, can you still paint it?
A. Usually, if your budget is reasonable for what you want. Many of the murals that I have designed and painted have been done with a fixed budget for the project. Tell me what your budget is for the project and I can usually design a mural to fit that budget.

Q. Will you copy a mural or painting that I saw somewhere else?
A. No, I honor the copyright of other artists and turn down work that is violation of federal copyright law. I design murals that are unique. That means I do not paint Sesame Street or Disney characters or any other copyrighted material that could result in a lawsuit for my client and myself.

Q. Will you paint anything I want?
A. That depends on the subject. I reserve the right to turn down work that I'm personally uncomfortable with for any number of reasons. I specialize in the beauty of the natural world, landscapes, wildlife, seascapes and the heavenly cosmos etc. I also design and paint the illusion of architectural elements to “frame” murals like columns and arches.

If you are unsure of what you would like then I can offer ideas that would fit your decor, and send the message that you would want to convey to house guests or business clients. I invite you to be open to inspiration. Give some thought and make a list of what you want, where you want it, when you want it, how much you can pay for it.
Please consider the following:

What is the desired impact you are trying to achieve with a mural?
Who is the intended audience for your mural, yourself, house guests, business clients?
Is there a certain color scheme to want your mural to match or compliment?
What overall theme do you want in a mural? (architectural , landscape, seascape, children's fantasy, Tromp loiel, starry heavens, deep space, underwater, Italian etc.?
Do you want me to coordinate my work with your interior designer or architect?
Do you have architectural elements that you want incorporated into the design, arches or columns?
In summary, the more information you can share with me, the better. It can save us both an enormous amount of time and indecision if you refer me to pictures that reflect your ideas and thoughts. Any painting that is on my website can serve as the basis for a canvas mural design. I invite you to tear pictures out of magazines and share other sources of reference with me.
Need help? Have some questions? Email me through my “Contact” page and I'll be happy to work answer your questions and with you to design a canvas mural that will fit your desires and budget. See also the "Commissions" page.

I accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover and Bank Cards in payment for original art, prints, murals and illusions.
Click on the
"Buy Now" button to enter your payment information.