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Frank S. Wilson   ~   your "Painter of Dreams"™

Frank is a member of the prestigious "International Guild Of Realism".
This website shows the full scope of the varied artwork produced by Frank Wilson.
  Frank welcomes invitations for representation from  Art Galleries.

In addition to purchasing original oils and watercolors, you can purchase CUSTOM PRINTS of selected paintings on paper or canvas in a wide variety of sizes and finishes to suit your decorating needs. If desired you can also select from thousands of frames, mats, and wrap combinations and receive your fine art prints within one week.

To purchase an original painting, email me with the title and size and I will respond back with information on availability, if the painting is in my studio or what art gallery the painting is in and what the price is.  Go to the "Contact" page.

All content Copyright © 2024 by artist Frank Wilson.  No portion of this site may be used or transmitted without the expressed permission of artist Frank Wilson.

Sand Harbor in Winter Lake Tahoe, painting by Frank Wilson, oil painting, sand harbor, lake tahoe, "SAND HARBOR IN WINTER ~ LAKE TAHOE"  SOLD
24 x 48 inch oil painting on a frame-less 2 inch deep cradled hardboard panel with black sides.
The original oil painting has sold. Prints are available in stretched canvas, acrylic, polished metal and paper. Click on image to see your options.

Boulder Cove on Lake Tahoe, Frank Wilson, oil painting, oil paintings,lake tahoe, "BOULDER COVE ON LAKE TAHOE"
18x 24 inch oil painting on a frame-less 2 inch deep cradled hardboard panel with black sides.
Museum Quality Prints are available, just click the image.

"Rocks and Water Lake Tahoe" oil painting by Frank Wilsonaintings, Lake Tahoe,"Rocks And Water Lake Tahoe"

18 x 24 inch oil painting on a frame-less 2 inch deep cradled hardboard panel with black sides. The original work is available for $2,500.00 from my studio in Paradise, CA.Museum quality prints are available, just click on the image.

Beyond Secret Cove, lake tahoe, Frank Wilson, oil painting, oil paintings,landscapes,
"Beyond Secret Cove Lake Tahoe"

16 x 22 inch oil painting on a frame-less 2 inch deep cradled hardboard panel with black sides. The original work is available for $1,600.00 from from my studio in Paradise, CA. Museum quality prints are available, just click on the image.

Lake Tahoe Inlet, oil painting by Frank Wilson, lake tahoe, landscape, landscape painting, landscape paintings,"Lake Tahoe Inlet"   SOLD

16 x 22 inch oil painting on a frame-less 2 inch deep cradled hardboard panel with black sides.

Museum quality prints are available, just click on the image.


an original oil painting on a cradled hardboard panel 36" wide x 60" tall x 1.5" deep.
This painting won "BEST IN SHOW" at the General Gomez Art Center in Auburn, California in November 2022.

 Price; $10,800.00 

This original oil painting is available through my studio in Paradise, CA.

This highly realistic painting captures the giant, rugged, eroded, granite boulders on a certain part of the shore at Sand Harbor. Brilliant afternoon light illuminates the rocks, revealing their forms and their chaotic placement on the shore of Lake Tahoe.  Snows from the previous winter still blanket the mountains on the opposite shore.

This is an example of one of my "Landscape Portraits"  ... paintings that capture accurately, every minute detail, of a particular location. 

Lake Tahoe Rocky Cove, Frank Wilson, oil painting, oil paintings, Lake Tahoe,landscape painting, landscape paintings,

36" x 60" x 2" an original oil painting on a cradled hardboard panel.
Fine Art Prints are available on paper, canvas, acrylic and polished metal. Click Here.

TAHOE DREAMS oil painting by Frank Wilson"TAHOE DREAMS"  SOLD
is an original oil painting on a cradled hardboard panel 24" x 36".   The original painting has SOLD.
Prints are available in several sizes on paper or canvas as well as greeting cards that you may customize.  Click here.

waterfalls, Great Falls, oil painting by Frank Wilson, landscape painting, landscape paintings,"GREAT FALLS"

an original oil painting on hardboard 12" x 24".   The original painting is available through my studio.  Contact me for the original $1,400.00

Prints are available in several sizes on paper or canvas as well as greeting cards that you may customize.  Click here.

An original oil painting on a hardboard panel  30" x 48". The original painting is available through my studio. $5,600.00.

Prints are available in several sizes on paper or canvas as well as customizable greeting cards.  Click here.



an original oil painting on hardboard 24" x 30".

Prints are available in several sizes on paper or canvas as well as customizable greeting cards.  Click here.

Autumn Brook oil painting by Frank Wilson, landscape painting, landscape paintings,"AUTUMN BROOK"

an original oil painting on hardboard 24" x 30".

Prints are available in several sizes on paper or canvas as well as customizable greeting cards.  Click here.

Autumn Cascade oil painting by Frank Wilson,landscape painting, landscape paintings,landscapes,"AUTUMN CASCADE"


an original oil painting on hardboard 24" x 36". 

Prints are available in several sizes on paper or canvas as well as customizable greeting cards.  Click here.

Woodland Falls oil painting by Frank Wilson,landscape painting, landscape paintings,landscapes,"WOODLAND FALLS"
an original oil painting on hardboard 24" x 48".

Prints are available in several sizes on paper or canvas as well as customizable greeting cards.  Click here.

Mountain Moonglow outdoor Mural by Frank WilsonFrank Wilson with his award winning mural, "MOUNTAIN MOONGLOW", that can be seen in Downtown Chico, California on the side of the Artifacts Building East Third Street.

The mural was a commission from the city of Chico in 2005 after the public awarded Frank's entry proposal the "People's Choice Award", by voting ballot, from among 20 selected finalists from throughout Northern California.

Any painting seen on this site can serve as the basis for large canvas wall mural for your home office hotel or place of business. Murals created on canvas can be shipped anywhere. See "Murals" page.

Frank S. Wilson has been a full time professional artist since 1971.  A prolific painter, Wilson has created over 4,000 highly detailed original works in oils and watercolors in addition to hundreds of sculptures. His paintings are in private and corporate art collections in dozens of countries on four continents.

In 2019, the city of Oroville, CA commissioned him to paint a large 72.5 foot wide x 18 foot tall mural in Historic Downtown Oroville.  In September of 2005 he was awarded the City of Chico California, COBA “Peoples Choice Award” and a commission for a large outdoor mural. In the spring of 2009 he was awarded two commissions for outdoor murals from Enloe Hospital in Chico California. His work has been exhibited twice in the New York State Museum. His work has also been featured in art galleries in New England, Virginia, North Carolina and California as well as in Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland.

On January 23, 2009 Frank and his wife, Toni, were featured artists on a CBS Action News story.
On October 9, 1998 Frank was a featured artist on ABC's nationally televised "Good Morning America" show. 

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